Downtown Laramie Gift Certificates

Downtown Laramie Wyoming Gift Certificates

Frequently Asked Questions:


Order online at Laramie Marketplace

  • Where do I get Downtown Laramie gift certificates?

    • Downtown Laramie gift certificates are available for purchase from our partners at First Interstate Bank in Downtown Laramie at 221 E. Ivinson Avenue. Or you can purchase online at Laramie Marketplace:

  • Where are the Downtown Laramie gift certificates valid?

    • These are valid at the 290 businesses within the Downtown Laramie district including retail, restaurants, and service-based businesses. See district map below.

  • How do I shop with my Downtown Laramie gift certificate?

    • Shopping with your Downtown Laramie gift certificate is as easy as shopping with cash. Your gift certificate is equivalent to $25 and will be processed by the store, restaurant or service provider you shop with like a check.

    • Certificates are not redeemable for cash. They must be spent in a downtown businesses.

  • How does my business accept a Downtown Laramie gift certificate?

    • Any business can accept Downtown Laramie gift certificates and redeem funds! They can be deposited with your financial institution and processed no different than a personal check.

  • Are gift certificates available in smaller increments than $25?

    • At this time downtown gift certificates are sold in $25 increments only.

The Downtown Business Directory


Downtown Laramie Wyoming Gift Certificates

Laramie Main Street staff will be happy to answer any other questions about the Downtown Laramie gift certificate program via email at: or

phone at (307)-760-3355.