Chalk N' Cheese - Poland

Specials Available April 19 & 20

Chalk nā€™ cheese

Address: 209-211 S. 2nd Street, Laramie, WY 82070


Country Represented: Poland

Special: Polish Favorites inspired by Marcin Sliwinski

ALL WEEK: International Pairings & Conversation Hub


Marcin Sliwinski

Polish Community Member

While Polish cuisine may not be as widely recognized as French, Italian, or Indian cuisine, it does follow the same principles that are shared amongst all cultures and culinary practices. Simple yet distinct flavors, unique yet recognizable dishes, and the ability to bring individuals and groups together.

While Poland may not be widely renowned for its culinary creations, the connection and relation between food and people and more importantly amongst each other are some examples where Polish cuisine shines. In a nation with a chaotic and turbulent history, it's no surprise that something as simple as food can bring joy and relations to not just those that are participating but to all around.

Proof of this can be seen through the common tradition of leaving an open chair or space at the table particularly during festive celebrations such as Christmas. The origins of this practice may be debatable but the intended influence is quite clear, any and all are not just welcome but encouraged to join, share, and enjoy. So while it might not be as recognizable as a dish of curry or pasta the purpose goes much further than is visible, so come, enjoy, and share with others!